CleanShot 2023-05-29 at 18.41.30.mp4
dotLottie is a new superset of Lottie, introduced by LottieFiles. It is similar to JSON, the original Lottie format, but it has several added benefits. In this documentation, we'll go over the key features of dotLottie and how to use it for both design and development.
dotLottie uses an alternate compression method, allowing for considerably smaller animation files compared to JSON. This is especially effective as an alternative to inlining image assets as Data URIs. Additionally, dotLottie can package multiple animations into a single file, further reducing the operational costs of distribution and bandwidth utilization.
Using the ".lottie" file extension makes it easier for designers and developers to organize and manage animation files. This is because ".json" can be too generic and cause confusion with other files within a developer's environment. In addition, dotLottie archives all the assets required by an animation into a single package, which makes it easier to store, distribute, and consume animations and their dependent assets. This also allows multiple animations to be grouped together and to share assets.
dotLottie is supported across LottieFiles, making it easy to create and export animations. The LottieFiles platform can export animations as dotLottie files, and the AE and Figma plugin can also export to dotLottie. All publicly available Lottie animations can be downloaded as dotLottie files, too.
dotLottie Player is a high-performance, cross-platform animation runtime supported on Web, iOS, and Android. It ensures consistent animation rendering and performance across all platforms.
dotLottie Player is natively supported for Android through the "dotlottie-android" library, enabling seamless integration of animations.
Native support for dotLottie Player is available for iOS through the "dotlottie-ios" library, offering smooth integration and playback.