This is a short report compiled after running the Lottie Fingerprint utility over a public list of LottieFiles asset library.

Datapoint details

Details for individual data points can be found on ‣

Total Dataset Size: 94877 Animations

Lottie Version

4.8.0     13204
5.1.16      425
5.1.20      750
5.2.1       422
5.3.4       760
5.4.1       463
5.4.2       548
5.4.3       805
5.4.4       850
5.5.1       742
5.5.2      2823
5.5.5       859
5.5.7     17483
5.5.8      2440
5.5.9      2101
5.5.10     1508
5.6.1       459
5.6.2      1472
5.6.3      1388
5.6.4       478
5.6.5      2322
5.6.6      2397
5.6.7       499
5.6.9      2821
5.6.10     1261
5.7.0       910
5.7.1      2945
5.7.3      4134
5.7.4      6376
5.7.5      1006
5.7.6      2797
5.7.7       866
5.7.8      2456
5.7.11      950
5.7.12      696
5.7.13      846
5.8.1      1745
5.9.0      1010
5.9.4       505
5.9.6      1000


Generator Versions


Bodymovin                                         58187
LottieFiles AE 0.1.20                             12396
Unknown                                            5171
LottieFiles AE                                     4950
LottieFiles AE 1.0.0                               3819
LottieFiles AE 0.1.21                              3599
LottieFiles AE 3.0.2                               2337
LF SVG to Lottie                                   1455
LottieFiles AE 1.1.0                                945
LottieFiles AE 2.0.4                                750
LottieFiles AE 3.0.0                                519
LottieFiles AE 0.1.9                                140
<>                                117
LottieFiles AE 0.1.14                               112
Aninix                                               93
LottieFiles AE 0.1.13                                57
LottieFiles AE 3.0.1                                 41
LottieFiles AE 3.1.0                                 35
Flow 1.9.0                                           32
Made in Cavalry (<>)       31
Flow 1.10.2                                          24
Flow 1.10.0                                          14
Flow1.10.0                                           12
LottieFiles AfterEffects 0.1.7                       11
LottieFiles AfterEffects 0.1.6                       11
Flow 1.12.0                                           4
Flow 1.13.0                                           4
Charlottie                                            2
Glaxnimate 0.5.0+win-49002eec                         2
<>                                 1
Flow1.12.0                                            1
Flow 1.8.4                                            1
Flow 1.10.1                                           1
Flow 1.8.2                                            1
@lottiefiles/toolkit-js 0.6.0                         1
Flow 1.8.5                                            1

File Size (in KB)


scatterplot across file size (in kb, log scale)
- - - (black) mean = 153.42Kb
- - - (red) median = 27.0Kb

mean       153.420971
std        845.011247
min          0.375000
25%          8.000000
50%         27.000000
75%        101.000000
max      63488.000000

Durations (in seconds)


mean         6.532986
std        247.919216
min          0.020000
25%          2.000000
50%          3.270000
75%          5.030000
max      43200.000000


Breakdown of features used in samples